
You can install from PyPI using pip to install django-two-factor-auth and its dependencies:

$ pip install django-two-factor-auth


Add the following apps to the INSTALLED_APPS:


Add the django-otp middleware to your MIDDLEWARE. Make sure it comes after AuthenticationMiddleware:


Point to the new login pages in your

LOGIN_URL = 'two_factor:login'

# this one is optional
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = 'two_factor:profile'

Add the routes to your project url configuration:

from two_factor.urls import urlpatterns as tf_urls
urlpatterns = [
   url(r'', include(tf_urls)),


Be sure to remove any other login routes, otherwise the two-factor authentication might be circumvented. The admin interface should be automatically patched to use the new login method.

Yubikey Setup

In order to support Yubikeys, you have to install a plugin for django-otp:

$ pip install django-otp-yubikey

Add the following app to the INSTALLED_APPS:


This plugin also requires adding a validation service, through wich YubiKeys will be verified. Normally, you’d use the YubiCloud for this. In the Django admin, navigate to YubiKey validation services and add an item. Django Two-Factor Authentication will identify the validation service with the name default. The other fields can be left empty, but you might want to consider requesting an API ID along with API key and using SSL for communicating with YubiCloud.

You could also do this using Django’s shell:

$ python shell
>>> from otp_yubikey.models import ValidationService
>>> ValidationService.objects.create(
...     name='default', use_ssl=True, param_sl='', param_timeout=''
... )
<ValidationService: default>