
General Settings


Whether the Django admin is patched to use the default login view.


The admin currently does not enforce one-time passwords being set for admin users.


Should point to the login view provided by this application as described in setup. This login view handles password authentication followed by a one-time password exchange if enabled for that account. This can be a URL path or URL name as defined in the Django documentation.

See also LOGIN_URL.


This application provides a basic page for managing one’s account. This view is entirely optional and could be implemented in a custom view. This can be a URL path or URL name as defined in the Django documentation.



Should point to a view that the user is redirected to after logging out. It was added in Django 1.10, and also adapted by this application. This can be a URL path or URL name as defined in the Django documentation.



The default generator for the QR code images is set to SVG. This does not require any further dependencies, however it does not work on IE8 and below. If you have PIL, Pillow or pyimaging installed you may wish to use PNG images instead.

  • 'qrcode.image.pil.PilImage' may be used for PIL/Pillow
  • 'qrcode.image.pure.PymagingImage' may be used for pyimaging

For more QR factories that are available see python-qrcode.


The number of digits to use for TOTP tokens, can be set to 6 or 8. This setting will be used for tokens delivered by phone call or text message and newly configured token generators. Existing token generator devices will not be affected.


The Google Authenticator app does not support 8 digit codes (see the upstream ticket). Don’t set this option to 8 unless all of your users use a 8 digit compatible token generator app.

The number of seconds between a user successfully passing the “authentication” step (usually by entering a valid username and password) and them having to restart the login flow and re-authenticate. This ensures that users can’t sit indefinitely in a state of having entered their password successfully but not having passed two factor authentication. Set to 0 to disable.

Email Gateway

To enable receiving authentication tokens by email, you have to add 'django_otp.plugins.otp_totp' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Also ensure that the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL settings is configured with an appropriate value.

Read the Email Settings section of the django_otp documentation to find about possible email-related customizations (subject/body of messages, throttling, etc.).

Twilio Gateway

To use the Twilio gateway, you need first to install the Twilio client:

$ pip install twilio

Next, add additional urls to your config:

from two_factor.gateways.twilio.urls import urlpatterns as tf_twilio_urls

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include(tf_twilio_urls)),

Additionally, you need to enable the ThreadLocals middleware:


    # Always include for two-factor auth

    # Include for Twilio gateway
class two_factor.gateways.twilio.gateway.Twilio

Gateway for sending text messages and making phone calls using Twilio.

All you need is your Twilio Account SID and Token, as shown in your Twilio account dashboard.

Should be set to your account’s SID.
Should be set to your account’s authorization token.
Should be set to a verified phone number. Twilio differentiates between numbers verified for making phone calls and sending text messages.
Can be set to a Twilio Messaging Service for SMS. This service can wrap multiple phone numbers and choose one depending on the destination country. When left empty the TWILIO_CALLER_ID will be used as sender ID.

Fake Gateway

class two_factor.gateways.fake.Fake

Prints the tokens to the logger. You will have to set the message level of the two_factor logger to INFO for them to appear in the console. Useful for local development. You should configure your logging like this:

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
    'loggers': {
        'two_factor': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'INFO',

WebAuthn Settings

Start by providing a value for the following setting:

The human-palatable identifier for the Relying Party. You MUST name your application. Failing to do so will raise an ImproperlyConfigured exception.

The defaults provided for all other settings should be enough to enable the use of fingerprint readers, security keys and android phones (Chrome-based browsers only).

Tweak the following settings if you want to restrict the types of devices that can be used and the information that will be sent to your application after the authentication takes place:

The preferred Authenticator Attachment modality. Possible values: 'platform' (like an embedded fingerprint reader), 'cross-platform' (such as a usb security key). The default is to accept all attachment modalities.

A list of preferred communication transports that will be set for all registered authenticators. This can be used to optimize user interaction at authentication time. Its implementation is highly browser-dependent and may even be disregarded.

Chrome uses this to filter out credentials that do not use any of the transports listed. For example, if set to ['usb', 'internal'] Chrome will not attempt to authenticate the user with authenticators that communicate using CaBLE (e.g., android phones).

Possible values for each element in the list are members of webauthn.helpers.structs.AuthenticatorTransport. The default is to accept all transports.

The type of User Verification that is required. Verification ranges from a simple test of user presence such as by touching a button to more thorough checks like using biometrics or requiring user PIN input. Possible values: 'discouraged', 'preferred', 'required'.

The type of Attestation Conveyance. A Relying Party may want to verify attestations to ensure that only authentication devices from certain approved vendors can be used. Depending on the level of conveyance, the attestation could include potentially identifying information, resulting in an additional prompt to the users so they can decide if they want to proceed. Possible values: 'none', 'indirect' and 'direct'. The 'enterprise' conveyance type is not supported and will result in ImproperlyConfigured being raised.


Setting conveyance to other than 'none' enables attestation verification against a list of root certificates. If the list of root certificates for a particular attestation statement format is empty, then verification will always pass.

'fido-u2f', 'packed' and 'tpm' do not come pre-configured with root certificates. Download the additional certificates that you needed for your particular device and use the TWO_FACTOR_WEBAUTHN_PEM_ROOT_CERTS_BYTES_BY_FMT setting below.


A mapping of attestation statement formats to lists of Root Certificates, provided as bytes. These will be used in addition to those already provided by py_webauthn to verify attestation objects.


If you want to verify attestations made by a Yubikey, get Yubico’s root CA and use it as follows:

yubico_u2f_ca = """
(Yubico's root CA goes here)

root_ca_list = [yubico_u2f_ca.encode('ascii')]

    AttestationFormat.PACKED: root_ca_list,
    AttestationFormat.FIDO_U2F: root_ca_list,

The following settings control how the attributes for WebAuthn entities are built:

TWO_FACTOR_WEBAUTHN_ENTITIES_FORM_MIXIN (default: 'two_factor.webauthn.utils.WebauthnEntitiesFormMixin')
A mixin to provide WebAuthn entities (user and Relying Party) needed during setup and authentication. Although the default works in most cases you can provide your own methods to build the different attributes that are required by these entities (e.g., if you use a custom User model).
The default form mixin uses this setting to specify the domain of the Relying Party. By default, the relying party ID is None i.e. the current domain returned by HttpRequest.get_host() will be used. You may want to set it to a higher-level domain if your application has several sub-domains (e.g., for web and for the mobile version, meaning you may want to set this value to '' so credentials are valid for both versions).

WebAuthn devices support throttling too:

This controls the rate of throttling. The sequence of 1, 2, 4, 8… seconds is multiplied by this factor to define the delay imposed after 1, 2, 3, 4… successive failures. Set to 0 to disable throttling completely.

Remember Browser

During a successful login with a token, the user may choose to remember this browser. If the same user logs in again on the same browser, a token will not be requested, as the browser serves as a second factor.

The option to remember a browser is deactivated by default. Set TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_COOKIE_AGE to activate.

The browser will be remembered as long as:

  • the cookie that authorizes the browser did not expire,
  • the user did not reset the password, and
  • the device initially used to authorize the browser is still valid.

The browser is remembered by setting a signed ‘remember cookie’.

In order to invalidate remembered browsers after password resets, the package relies on the password field of the User model. Please consider this in case you do not use the password field e.g. [django-auth-ldap](


Age in seconds to remember the browser. The remember cookie will expire after the given time interval and the server will not accept this cookie to remember this browser, user, and device any longer.

If this is set to a positive int the user is presented the option to remember the browser when entering the token. If the age is None, the user must authenticate with a token option during each login, if a device is setup.

Default: None


Prefix of the remember cookie. It prefixes a uuid4 to allow multiple remember cookies on the same browser for multiple users.

Default: ‘remember-cookie_’


The domain to be used when setting the remember cookie.

Only relevant if TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_COOKIE_AGE is not None.

Default: None


The path of the remember cookie.

Only relevant if TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_COOKIE_AGE is not None.

Default: ‘/’


Whether the remember cookie should be secure (https:// only).

Only relevant if TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_COOKIE_AGE is not None.

Default: False


Whether to use the non-RFC standard httpOnly flag (IE, FF3+, others)

Only relevant if TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_COOKIE_AGE is not None.

Default: True


Whether to set the flag restricting cookie leaks on cross-site requests. This can be ‘Lax’, ‘Strict’, or None to disable the flag.

Only relevant if TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_COOKIE_AGE is not None.

Default: ‘Lax’